Sunday, February 27, 2011

One Year, One Lesson, One World Running

I am now one year into recovery from the surgeries that removed the titanium rod from my femur and the subsequent staph infection.   Much has happened, we moved back to Boulder in June of last year, enjoyed a beautiful summer, I bought a new bike, since I wasn't running much.  Last year, we also found inspiration in a friend fighting her own challenge, celebrated friendships during Thanksgiving and Christmas was all about our Louisiana family. So here we are in 2011.  We didn't take off this winter, stayed put in Boulder and now enjoy the seemingly frequent outdoor swims at the club pool, which makes a world of difference, it doesn't even feel like winter when you are in the water, it's a different story when you get out of course.  Life goes on.

I've learned one lesson, my wife is a very wise woman!  She implored me to start doing yoga regularly last year during the first part of my recovery, I didn't do it.  I've done yoga before, but very infrequently.  I didn't think it was a bad idea, I just had a different story to tell myself, I wanted running to be my primary recovery tool, I felt this pressure around a schedule and upcoming race in August.  How wrong I was, I've struggled these past twelve months, immensely.  In January this year however, I finally listened to Annie and did an intensive 4 weeks of various types of yoga as well as swimming.  What a world of difference.  ALL, not some, ALL the issues I've had with my left leg are nearly's amazing.  In addition to fixing my problems, yoga has also increased my core strength more than anything else I've ever done.  I've had some additional troubles with my right foot and tendinitis, but that seems to be healing as well with specific physical therapy.  I finally feel like I'll break out soon and find the mountains I've missed for months and exhale in jubilation!  I found one today and it was glorious!

In the end we are one world, we can't ignore what is happening around the globe and while I use the term "one world running" I mean for each of us, we are all running or progressing forward in different ways.  Recent events show us that courage, determination and resolve can change the world.  We all have our own stories we tell ourselves about our own life and experiences, we may not create all the events in our story for very many are out of our control, however we do have the power to interpret them all as stepping stones, self awareness and reward.  So I'll humbly reflect and be gracious and celebrate.

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