Monday, June 20, 2011

7 Summit Salute - Boulder Skyline Traverse

The AD4AP Team is in taper mode for the upcoming BH100.  Pacing charts are fully scrutinized and developed, nutrition plans are made, gear list they wait.  There's something about an impending race that starts the adrenaline flowing and the anticipation of "what will be" the day of the race.  These guys have battled through a tough winter to prepare for a grueling course, nothing like any of them have seen to date.

There is trepidation but that is far outweighed by the camaraderie of this group of runners and the fervent courage these fellows posses.  I am honored to partake in their soulful journey to the finish line.  I am reminded of the movie "Dead Poets Society" where near the beginning of the film, Robin Williams whispers to the boys, "Carpe Diem", seize the day, and I know this band of merry compadres will in fact, do just that.

To the team of runners:  The air will be crisp, the sunlight cresting over the eastern horizon, tingling in the muscles, warmth in knowledge, you'll know you are not alone in this journey and today is a good day to run.  Remember your preparation, your fellow runners, your love of running and bask in the glory of climbing the first hill and descending the last.  Patience is, yes, a virtue.  Remember the visualizations you used to spur a completion of a long training run and how you felt.  Cherish the rush.  Observe the scenery, as it will be vivid beyond detail you will have felt before.  Finish strong.

As a tribute to those who ran this weekend and are running next weekend attempting new endeavors, I did the same on Saturday with a first run of "most" of the Boulder Skyline Traverse (sans Sanitas, as that is the mountain where I've rolled my foot twice).  I completed a seven summit salute for over 6,700 ft elevation gain over 20 miles.  I was on tired legs from long miles earlier in the week, but the weather was perfect, so I said what the hell.
This week was a milestone for me as well, after two weeks of nursing a bad foot, I ran almost 98 miles (97.99) with a 30, 20, 20 and some in between over the course of six days.  After finishing 20 today, I feel like I've passed over a marker of some kind...I'll have to wait and see how the next week goes, but I do feel the tide has shifted into a territory I am unfamiliar with in this lifetime, yet today I did feel like I've been here before, over 10 years ago. The tingling in my muscles, the unexpected surges, the smiles and enthusiasm.  Pain seemed to stop existing and only feel as a passing twinge...alter stride and continue on.

This weekend, my cousin and Stephen finished San Juan Solstice on their own own terms, I'm impressed with both of them.  Andy beat his goal and I am proud of the effort it took.  Another friend, Bob Africa crushed a 50 mile course in Wyoming, finishing 3rd.  I'll be with him at Leadville, but probably only at the start, he's an animal.
This is all about celebrating life.  Where are you and what are you doing to celebrate your gifts?  Yes, one thing I am celebrating this weekend is running, but there are countless other things we all can celebrate...a relationship, a child, another gift we've been given, whatever that may be for you.  I am grateful for my wife, Annie.  I am grateful for my family and my friends.  I am grateful for my job.  I am grateful that on any given weekend, I can escape to these mountains and find myself again and again.  What are you grateful for in your life?  Celebrate that and celebrate it often.  I am off in a three days to make the trek to my compadres running the BH100...I can not wait.  I am seeking awe inspiring courage and amazing feats of self renewal and discovery, they will find it, for sure.  Through their discovery, I will find the courage to continue on and finish the Leadville 100 in August.  I am blessed to have such a good group of guys in my life.

The weekend ended with a cleansing from the gods, the sky filled with thunder, lightening and rain.  Fortunately, we got all the yard done, the run complete and were able to enjoy under cover.  I love the smell of rain.

"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." - Neil from DPS, quoting Henry David Thoreau

1 comment:

Andy said...

That is some major volume for last week! You are going to be SO ready come 04:00 on 8/20/11 and I for one can NOT wait!