Saturday, January 9, 2010

Running Free

Why name to blog Running Free? Why "". For me running is freedom from many things, but we'll get to that subject later. The main reason for the name is that for nearly 6 years I've battled to regain balanced fitness with foreign hardware in my body. I can't count the number of times I've been running or not running and had some weird twinge, ache or pain in my left leg and scratched my head or taken a step back to analyze "why". Or for that matter issues on the right side of my body. It really hasn't been too bad until 2009. I started having issues doing things that never before bothered me. I would go for a ride and my left, lower back would literally "fall asleep". My right glut muscles were a tightly wound ball. Not to mention when the mercury drops below 32 degrees the stabilizing screw in my knee would ache. I couldn't even run in 40 degree temps; my left knee would seize up after a run and only a hot bath would cure the stiffness and pain. However, there are not just physical limitations, but mental and emotional effects as well.

So I decided chronicling my recovery would be a good mental and emotional way to manage the bound back to running free, again.

I used "pedliving" as my blog spot because we all live on our feet. We were born to live on our feet, it's inherent in our DNA. Our ancestors, ancestor's survival required them to live on their feet. I am blessed to not have a handicap or restriction, so I believe I should make use of what abilities I have been given.

Through this chronicle I hope to maintain positive mental and emotional focus on the good things in life, while physically recovering to achieve my personal running goals in 2010. My biggest and most difficult goal this year, will be running my first 100 mile race, The Leadville 100 at the end of August.

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